the future happened decades ago

From this day forward no one can be baffled and amazed by technology, it's been around for too long. Digital clocks, microwaves, televisions, digital cameras, dishwashers, camcorders, VCRs, computers, and even cell phones have been around for a long time.

It's time that everyone learn just the basics. No more blinking 12:00 VCR clocks. No more calling the computer background the screen saver. No more worrying about having your credit card number stolen on the internet. No more microwaves without a rotating tray built in.

Times up.

Technology is here to stay. You've learned how to work the radio. You know how to dial a phone. Time to learn some new skills (nunchuck and bow-hunting excluded).

There can only be three exceptions:

  1. You posses some great hand-craft skill
  2. You can remember a time when you were an adult that there was no television
  3. You knew someone who could have met Abraham Lincoln.

IF you can satisfy one of the above requirements,

THEN you can be baffled by technology. You have my permission. You can write me here and I'll send you a certificate saying so (be sure to include your name and qualifications).

If you fall into one of the three categories. Feel free to have no clue where the picture from your email is or make comments about how people can possibly need 200 cable channels. Continue making jokes about how you're an adult and need a child to set the clock on your VCR. Keep talking about how small cell phones are and how much kids play video games. And also don't forget to start any comment about technology with either When I was a kid . . . or I remember when . . .

If you don't fit into one of the above three categories,

(1. You posses some great hand-craft skill 2. You can remember a time when you were an adult that there was no television 3. You knew someone who could have met Abraham Lincoln)

Then its time to get on with the times. Cell phones and computers are here to stay and no matter what you think about them, they do make life easier. Life IS NOT more complicated because of them. Need directions to someplace? Use the internet. Need help with a car emergency? Use your cell phone. Want to keep in touch with twenty people but don't have a lot of stamps? Use email. Need to land a man on the moon? Use NASA.

Technology is a good thing. If it wasn't right now would be shearing sheep, collecting eggs, and worrying about the latest yellow fever epidemic. So maybe we could consider learning about the technology instead of complaining about it. Think of it as a way of saying thanks to all those smart inventors that came before us.

are you an autocad bitch?

Tough Choices (a fun game for some ages)

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